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What if you could easily track and reduce your daily carbon emissions, contributing to a healthier planet?

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Presenting Carbon Tracker :

Ready to Take Action for a Greener Future?

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How Did We Start Our Carbon Reduction Journey?

Duration -12 weeks

Team - 4 Ux Designers


What did I do?

Market Study

User Interviews
Affinity Mapping

Lo-Fi Design

High-Fi Design

Design System

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Project Goals- 

Lower individual carbon footprints by enabling users to track and manage their emissions.

Target Audience-

Environmentally-conscious individuals seeking to reduce their carbon footprint.

Key Features-

Help users track their emissions, receive AI-based action plans to reduce CO2, and monitor progress of their tasks.

How Did We Collect Carbon Clues?

To understand the carbon footprint challenges and opportunities, we explored diverse sources of information and engaged with key stakeholders.


Literature Study


research papers and articles.


User Interviews

Climate Change Activists


End Users





minute field studies at various locations.

What Did Our Carbon Chats Reveal?

Better Communication for Activists

High Footprint from Fast Fashion​

Trend Insights Needed

Measuring Campaign Success​

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Demotivation from Invisible Impact

Low Carbon Emission Awareness​

Importance of Sustainability

Need for Visualization Tools

Desire for Actionable Plans

Climate Change Awareness​

What's the Carbon Puzzle We're Trying to Solve?

The challenge is to enable individuals to track their daily carbon emissions and reduce their climate impact. Many lack the knowledge to understand their carbon footprint. Our goal is to provide a user-friendly platform to monitor emissions, gain insights, and adopt sustainable practices.

Who Are Our Eco-Warriors?


Pepper Pots

26 years


Ph.D in Computer Science Traits

Traits: Ambivert, tech-savvy, sustainability advocate, passionate, 

GoalsIncrease environmental awareness, reduce personal carbon footprint, understand carbon trends.

Pain Points: Inconsistent measurements, lack of actionable plans, difficulty with campaign impacts.


Tony Stark

56 years


Cab Driver

Traits: Introvert, not tech-savvy, prefers old-fashioned ways, family-oriented

Goals: Understand sustainability, contribute to sustainability, learn to use interfaces with guidance

Pain Points: Complex interfaces, lack of sustainability knowledge, reluctance to update, needs tech assistance.

How Did Our Brainstorms Spark New Ideas?

Three dynamic brainstorming sessions were conducted. The exchange of ideas during these sessions was crucial in determining the design direction and key features of carbon Tracker.

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Solo Sparks

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Team Synergy

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Collaborative Explosion

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new Ideas







How Do We Aim to Solve This Through the App?


Should be Cost-Effective and Simple


Increase Awareness and Engagement


Impactful Features and Collaborations

How Did We Design for a Greener Tomorrow?

Onboarding and task Completion

Creating a new Campaign

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What Features Did We Develop?

1. For the User

Registering for different campaigns 


Tracking Task Progress

Certificate of Participation

2. For the Climate Change Activists

Upload Campaign Info


Create New Campaigns

Payment Setup

What Footprints Did Usability Testing Reveal?

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Problem 1

Onboarding was too technical and time-consuming, requiring extensive user input.

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Allow users to scan a QR code from their smart home hub for automatic data input.

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Problem 2

The customized action plan appeared as a checklist, confusing users.

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Redesign the action plan as a roadmap with call-to-action buttons for detailed task descriptions.

What Green Solutions Worked?

Eco Visuals

Graphs and KPIs helped users clearly see their carbon emissions and stay motivated.

Green Action Steps

Simple, actionable steps provided clear guidance to reduce carbon footprints.

Collaborative Efforts

Partnering with non-profits boosted user engagement and eco-awareness.

What did I learn?

1. Enhanced skills in collaborative brainstorming and teamwork.


2. Embraced creative, alternative approaches to problem-solving.


3. Focused on addressing root causes rather than adding numerous features.

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